
In the last full Ofsted inspection report (May 2018), St Andrew’s College Cambridge has been judged ‘good’, which is a high rating for every college category.  The main highlights of the report were:

  • The college exceeds expectations for the quality of education
  • Students are supported by excellent teaching and a well-planned curriculum
  • Students demonstrate very high levels of knowledge development
  • Students’ progress is excellent
  • The college provides a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff
  • The college’s pastoral structure provides good support and guidance for its students in accordance with its aims
  • Relationships between staff and students are good
  • Students report that they are happy, safe and extremely well supported
  • Leadership and management are good
  • Students in interviews expressed a high level of satisfaction with the education provided

Download a copy of our latest inspection report

You can also visit the Ofsted website and view previous reports here