Teachers & Tutors

All our students have an individual tutor whom they meet with on a weekly basis.  Their role is to:

  • Help students develop the study skills needed for their course
  • Discuss relevant topics of interest and give students an understanding of the UK and the way that it works
  • Help with making examination entries and checking the details of entries
  • Solving any problems
  • Monitoring student progress and attendance
  • Preparing students for university entrance or their chosen career at the end of their time at St Andrew’s

The teachers strive to help the students achieve the best results possible and their role is to:

  • Plan the course to make sure that the syllabus is covered in time for the final examinations
  • Set student targets for each term so that they understand the work and skills to be covered during each term
  • Teach the course, providing students with the necessary vocabulary, directing which notes to make, setting and marking the Independent Learning tasks which require completion and regular testing
  • Help students develop the study skills required for each subject
  • Arrange revision plans near the exams and provide plenty of questions to practise in each subject

Our expectation for students is as follows:

  • Arrive for lessons on time and attend all lessons
  • Make notes, do the required set reading and hand the Independent Learning tasks in on time
  • Learn new vocabulary
  • Make a positive contribution in class
  • Respect students from other cultures in their group and participate in discussions
  • Listen to advice and make every effort to follow advice
  • Always speak English in class
  • Check their email regularly (at least once a day).  Not all international email accounts work in the UK so it is sensible to set up a Gmail account on arrival