Admissions Welcome

Welcome from the Admissions Manager

I am delighted to welcome you to St Andrew’s Cambridge and hope you will have a very happy and enjoyable time at our warm and friendly college.  My role is to help all our students through their admissions journey, work with the academic staff on marking of entrance papers, make the offers in conjunction with the Principal, liaise with parents regarding pre-arrival paperwork and to ensure a smooth transition through to our visa team.

All of the students who come to St Andrew’s,  I or our international team, have advised, interviewed and spoken to on many occasions before you join us.  We pride ourselves on providing a calm and efficient admissions process and want to ensure that your journey to the UK is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time on and I would be delighted to answer your questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Charlotte Saber