
At St Andrew’s we take the looking after of our students very seriously to ensure they have as happy and fulfilled a time with us as possible.  Safeguarding is defined as:

  • Protecting children and young people from abuse
  • Preventing any damage to children and young people’s health and development
  • Making sure that children and young people grow up in a safe and caring environment
  • Helping all children and young people to have the best outcomes in life

Here at St Andrew’s we safeguard our students in the following ways:

  • The college is a safe space. You can talk to any member of staff if you are worried about something or if you do not feel safe, and they will listen to you
  • All staff are trained in safeguarding. This means they know how to listen to young people, how to notice if something is not right, and what they should do if they are concerned about a student
  • The Head of Pastoral Care and the college Principal have advanced safeguarding training, including what to do if a student suffers from abuse
  • In PSHE lessons, you will be taught about how to recognise abuse and how to keep yourself safe, including online
  • The college does not tolerate any form of abuse between students. This includes bullying (face to face or online, such as on social networking or messaging apps) sexual violence or harassment (including sharing sexual images of another student, touching them without their consent, or unwanted sexual comments or messages

What should I do if I feel unsafe?

  • If you feel unsafe, worried, scared or upset, please talk to any member of staff whom you feel comfortable with. This might be your teacher, House Manager or someone in the office. They will listen to you and help you to get the support you need.

Safety guidance

Safety on the streets

  • When you move into your accommodation, ensure that you find suitable and safe routes to school, the town centre, shops etc. These should be in well-lit areas. Avoid walking in dark alleyways, near the river, or through parks.
  • If you are walking somewhere, walk confidently facing oncoming traffic. If you are crossing the road, make sure that you look both ways before crossing, or use a pedestrian crossing. Please be aware that vehicles may drive on the opposite side of the road from your country.
  • If you are travelling at night, you should not walk around alone. We recommend that you walk in groups of three or more. It is preferable to use public transport, or to take a taxi.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables with you.
  • Always keep your bag and coat with you. Do not put them anywhere where you cannot see them. Carry your bag close to you with the clasp/zips facing inwards.
  • Make sure that you carry your mobile phone and that it is topped up. You should add the number of the School Emergency Number (07985 026 835) as contacts. You should also store the number of your host family or house manager.
  • Do not talk to strangers and avoid confrontation.
  • If you ever feel like you are being followed, cross the street. If you are still concerned, go to the nearest public area such as a restaurant or pub, and ask the staff to help you.

Safety around the college

Station Road

  • If you are attending the Station Road campus on your Bicycle you will need to dismount and walk your bicycle to behind building 11
  • Station Road where you can lock it up.
  • If you attend the Station Road Campus on foot you need to stay within the pathways marked and do not enter the area allocated to traffic.
  • If you come in from the top entrance (next to 15 Station Road) please use the crossing provided.
  • When leaving one of the college buildings at the Station Road campus to go to another building or the Common Room please ensure you remain within the area set aside for pedestrians.
  • These actions have been taken to keep you safe please ensure you follow the directions and information shown on the signs around the campus.

Safety on activities/excursions

  • A teacher/social organiser will be given responsibility for you when you are on an activity or excursion. You will be advised who that person is on each activity. Make sure you take their contact number and store it on your phone.
  • Listen to your teacher/social organiser. They will advise you where you should meet them, and how much free time you have.
  • Make sure you return to the meeting point on time.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Take note of any landmarks or shops to help you find your way around. If you get lost, it will help us to find you.
  • Do not walk around new places alone. Stay in small groups and keep to central, busy areas of town.

Tips for using public transport

  • Check the bus timetable to ensure that there is transport available, and so you do not spend a long time waiting at the bus stop. You can check the bus timetables for Cambridge here at
  • If you need to take a bus, try to avoid waiting alone at bus stops at night. When you get on the bus, sit downstairs near to the driver if possible.
  • If possible, ask someone to meet you from the bus. If that is not possible, once you are on the bus, it is a good idea to let your host family or house warden that you are on your way home.

Tips on using taxis

  • If you need to use a taxi, call Panther Taxis on 01223 715715. Store the number in your mobile phone in case you need it.  Other taxi companies are available.
  • Before you get in the taxi, check that it has an official taxi license plate. This is normally on the rear of the vehicle by the registration number.
  • If the taxi has a meter, you will be charged based on the distance travelled. If the taxi doesn’t have a meter, you should agree the price in advance with the driver to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • All Taxi drivers must display there taxi licence badge with a photo of their face on it.
  • We recommend that you sit in the back of the vehicle. Ideally behind the driver.
  • Have your cash ready to pay the driver and pay after you have left the vehicle.
  • It is acceptable to ask the taxi driver to wait until you have entered your accommodation before driving off.


Safeguarding Contacts

Deputy Head Boarding and Pastoral Care and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Principal and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor